A sign on the wall at Tinkertown Museum |
August 26, 2015
Today was one of those long, very full days that make it
hard to remember everything! I am typing this in the car at 10pm New Mexico
time, hoping that I can get most of it finished before we stop for the night in
about 50 miles, because tomorrow will be yet another full day!
We woke up pretty early this morning, and by 8:30 we had
dumped our tanks, filled up with water, and both of us had taken showers before
leaving the luxury of a full-service RV park. However we still had to stop at
the Walmart a block away, because we had a shopping list of things we needed.
By the time we finished with everything, it was no longer early.
Our first destination today was Tinkertown Museum. We headed
down NM Route 14, which is also called the Turquoise Highway—it connects Santa
Fe and Albuquerque and is considered to be a scenic road. Almost immediately we
passed another sculpture garden, but didn’t realize it until it was too late to
stop. We saw a number of sculpture and art studios at the Santa Fe end of the
road, and we went through the cute little town of Madrid. I probably could have
spent several hours looking at all the studios and gift emporiums we saw as we
crawled at 20mph through the town. But we did not stop until we reached
Tinkertown, which is in the town of Sandia Park.
"Monarch Hotel"--notice the Fiddler on the Roof. |
Tinkertown Museum is a folk art museum which is entirely the
work of a man named Ross Ward. He was a painter and sculptor who was apparently
never idle, and he managed to create and collect and repurpose thousands of objects.
The collections at Tinkertown Museum were his hobby.
The centerpiece of the museum is Tinkertown, a miniature “wild west”
town with a general store, a saloon, a hotel, etc—all filled with tiny detailed
furniture and other items. And I do mean FILLED—I don’t think there was an inch
of space which didn’t have something in it. (Click on the pictures to enlarge them in order to see the details.) The shelves of the general store
were packed with goods, the streets had carts and workmen and pedestrians of
every kind. In almost every building there was a button to push which would
bring the town to life, everything from a barber cutting hair to a girl
skipping rope. Horses pulled wagons laden with goods and workmen used their
tools. There was even a Chinese laundry and several Chinese businesses. There
were also completely anachronistic touches of whimsy, such as a fiddler on the
roof of the hotel and Mary Poppins with her umbrella held aloft by the chimney
of another building.
New Mexico-Arizona State Line Trading Post Diorama |
The walls opposite the Tinkertown display were filled with
everything from newspaper articles about Mr. Ward to inspirational sayings to
oddities of every sort—old photographs, documents, maps, and what have you.
Even the ceiling was covered with odds and ends. And that was only the FIRST
The Museum is comprised of over 20 buildings, all made of wood
and all very rustic. The walls of the outside are made from over 50,000 glass
bottles—outside is a wall of round glass held together with cement, and inside
are the tops of the bottles. Inside the floors are wood, and none too straight.
Gaps in the floor are “paved” over with old license plates from every state as
well as some foreign countries. There are also innumerable license plates on
the walls of all the buildings, along with old advertising signs. Almost every
surface has SOMETHING of interest or humor to catch the eye.
Saloon and Dance Hall Diorama |
The second gallery is devoted to circus scenery, dioramas,
and memorabilia, including posters, carousel horses, a “sideshow” of “human
oddities”, and coin-operated games of chance or fortune. After that, we wandered past cases full of
collections of dolls, advertising pencils, medicine bottles, swords and
knives—it was just a crazy place! One building was devoted to the Theodora R, a
wooden sailboat which was built in England. In 1981-1991, it was purchased and
sailed around the world by another free spirit (I didn’t note his name) before
coming to rest finally at the Tinkertown Museum. The chart of the voyage is
painted on the wall of the building. In between the buildings there are tiny
“courtyards” with more items, including a model water mill and a glass shrine
with a Buddha sitting inside.
Circus Diorama |
Outside there are more buildings with a lot of metal
sculpture and a collection of “old west” items which were collected by Ward and
his wife. One item of interest to us was a carnival medicine wagon which Ward
built on an old Studebaker chassis for a circus he worked for. When we lost
interest in all the “stuff”, we enjoyed watching a hummingbirds clustering
around the feeders hanging outside the entrance, and the horses in the corral
across from the parking lot. All in all, we spent about 2 hours at the Museum, and we
didn’t escape the gift shop either—they had a very eclectic group of items,
including Folkmanis puppets. Of course I encouraged Joe to buy more for the
collection at his office.
Joe's new retirement plan--traveling medicine man! |
After leaving the Tinkertown Museum, we continued south and
west to Petroglyph National Monument. The very opposite in atmosphere from
Tinkertown, it is very austere, with several areas to explore, none of which
are attached to the Visitor Center, which was our first stop. We got there just
after 3:00, and were warned that all the gates are locked at 5:00. After
considering what to do, we went to the Boca Negra Canyon area, which has the
most petroglyphs, and is the easiest hike (yes, we were getting tired—and it
was the hottest part of the day.) We climbed up the paths slowly, enjoying the
quiet, the relative solitude (there were only a few visitors to the park), and
the black rocks. We especially found the plants which struggle to grow in what
seems to be extremely inhospitable soil, to be exceptionally
lovely—perhaps the backdrop of black rock and sand enhances the shapes and colors of the
leaves and flowers.
We took our time, and wandered back to the RV a little after
4:30. I noticed that one of our tires seemed to be a bit flat, so Joe checked
the tire pressure on all the tires and filled the flat one with more air. We
left the park exactly at 5, with the ranger literally locking the gates behind
us. We got back on the interstate, but took the very next exit to fill the
tires more efficiently with a truck stop air pump.
We started to drive west again on I-40, with plans to stop
for the night at a state park about 100 miles down the road. But only about 20
miles further, we suddenly came to a complete stop, along with all the other
traffic. We turned off our engine (as did all the trucks around us) and just
sat there. Not a single car passed in
the other direction, and after a while we decided it couldn’t be construction,
there must have been an accident. So I made us cheese and crackers, Joe read
his book, and I played with Facebook posts and wrote some postcards. Just as we were stopping there, a thunderstorm passed through. After
about an hour, we started moving VERY slowly, and discovered that the cause of
the standstill was what looked like a horrible truck accident which affected
the entire eastbound highway and the median—we could see signs of a fire and
there were emergency vehicles all over. I am guessing that the wet road surface contributed to the accident. Our side was the fortunate side—we at
least got to move finally. The eastbound side was backed up for at least 6
miles that I saw, and I suppose it got longer before they could finally pass.
Just horrible. But certainly more comfortable for people in RVs than in cars or
We finally located the Cracker Barrel at the same exit, and
came to rest in one of their RV slots for the night, next to a gigantic Class A RV. I now have the realization that if you do not actually PASS the business
you are looking for at the exit, the first place to look would be further along
in the direction you are traveling.
Also, in the Southwest, assume that EVERYTHING will be within a mile or
so of the interstate—after that, you are in “nowhere.” Both the Cracker Barrel
and the Walmart were further west of our exit, we passed the latter this
morning when we got back on the highway. I also noticed there were easily 9-10
RV’s parked there—we’d have had LOTS of company if we’d found it.
View of Interstate 40 in New Mexico |
"Live life as a Pursuit of Happiness" |
We are now traveling along I-40 west toward the Painted
Desert and Petrified Rocks National Park. We are in ARIZONA, having finally
added the last southwestern state to our sticker map! It is a beautiful day
(although still signs on the road of the rainstorm from last night) and we are
having biscuits for breakfast.
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