The Mammoth Site was really awesome. The site was discovered by a farmer, who was planning to build a subdivision when his tractors kept "hitting things". It was a former sinkhole where scores of Columbian Mammoth bones have been found. He gave it to the state government with the condition that anything found at the site remain at the site. So it is now an archaeological museum, with the building built over the actual dig site. In the basement is the research lab where the bones are cleaned up and studied. They still haven't finished digging up the bones, and both Earthwatch and Elderhostel run trips there every July with people who are then trained to unearth the bones.
One of the most interesting tidbits was that all of the skeletons found are of male mammoths! The female guides say it's because the males wouldn't stop and ask for directions, so they fell into the sinkhole! The male guides say it is because the females pushed them in
An almost complete skeleton (from bottom: leg bones, pelvis, spine, ribs--only the head is missing!)
After we finished our visit at the Mammoth Site, we headed north into Wind Cave National Park, and stopped to take a tour of the cave. That, too was very interesting. The cave is much dryer than places like Howe or Luray Caverns--there are no stalactites or stalagmites. Instead, there is an unusual formation known as boxwork, which was very beautiful to look at--even though it reminded me of moths' wings!
I thought the historical information the guide gave us was just as interesting as the geology. Here is a photo of some graffiti from 1882--the names were of the young man who discovered the cave when he was 16, and subsequently explored 10 miles of it, mapping and recording it all; and his tour group. Some of the names of the latter have been found in the old guest registers in a hotel in Hill City!
Oh--almost forgot! On the drive up to Hill City, we passed the Crazy Horse Monument. We didn't stop, but you don't really have to stop-- the head of the statue is so totally gigantic that it is clearly visible from the highway. The overall size of it close up must be mind-boggling. And for those wondering why we didn't go to Mt. Rushmore--we did both see it before. I understand the new evening program they have is pretty terrific, but as you can tell, we felt we hardly had time for anything! There is just so much to do here.
The sad part of having to deal with the regulator is that it took away a couple of hours from our Black Hills day. We left Rapid City and drove back into the Hills, up to Deadwood. I had been eager to walk the streets with the article I'd found in the Forward newspaper, talking about the Jewish presence in early Deadwood. But we got here at dusk, and it seemed like exploring the cemetery wasn't such a hot idea (Deadwood IS haunted, you know!)
However, we once again stopped at a KOA, and although the ambience leaves a lot to be desired (let's face it, it's a parking lot!), the people are great, and there was a shuttle down into town. So as soon as we parked and walked Roxy, we went into Deadwood for a steak dinner, which seemed the most appropriate meal in such a place.
I hadn't realized that Deadwood was like a mini-Las Vegas. The entire historic district is filled with casinos. So I'm not sure i missed that much in terms of historical touring. Nevertheless, I would like to come back again some day--there was SO much we didn't or couldn't do today, including drive through Custer State Park, which is supposed to have incredible wildlife. I'm already planning a return trip to this part of the world someday soon--it seems definitely do-able for a 2 week vacation!
Tomorrow's plan: up early, and head for Wyoming. A stop at the Devil's Tower National Monument, and then on to Thermopolis.
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